Feature ideas

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Add Support for Associating SSA Runs with Created Entities Ingested in Real Time via Integration
We propose adding support for configuring a query to look up created entities. This enhancement will allow SSA (Self Service Action) runs to be populated with details of the created entity based on the lookup query after the SSA finishes successfully. The process will include the following steps: Configuration of Lookup Query: Introduce a configuration option to define a query that will be used to search for the created entities in the system. Entity Association Post SSA Completion: Once an SSA run completes successfully, the system will execute the configured lookup query to find the associated created entity. Retry Mechanism: If the entity is not found immediately, the system will perform several retries at defined intervals to locate the entity. The number of retries and the interval between retries should be configurable to accommodate different system requirements and latency considerations. Explicit Marking of Not Found Entities: If the entity is not found after all retries, the SSA run will be explicitly marked as "Entity Not Found." This status will help in identifying and troubleshooting issues related to entity creation and association. Benefits: Immediate Feedback for Users: People running the SSA will see the entity created via the SSA in port almost instantly. This provides users with immediate feedback on the action, eliminating the need to assume the entity was created or manually look it up in the port. The created entity will be presented in the context of the SSA, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.
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