Abilty to add a filter so only certain Self Service Actions appear on a Catalog Page.
Al-Karim Kerai
When using overarching blueprints such as "components", which have many types including micro-frontends, microservices, connectors, It is important to differentiate these by using different catalogue pages. This can be achieved, however we then have a need to only show specific self service actions on those pages. For instance, there is no requirement to surface the SSA for creation of a microservice on our micro-frontend catalogue page. Therefore there is a requirement to filter Self Service Actions on custom catalogue pages.
Rich Rein
Along these same lines, similar filtering would be quite useful on the day 2 operations (the create side of things might have batch versus service stereotypes for a repository, while the day 2/mutation side might have promote service vs. change batch schedule actions - and if I am looking at a filtered view of existing repos - such as a list of existing service repos - it would be nice if both the create actions and day 2 operations that were displayed/made available fit the current context).
James Daniels
For additional context. See image.
1) We have a blueprint
2) We have a pre filtered view in the catalogue called
Micro frontends
that only lists components of a specific type
property.3) User goes to "Create a new Micro frontend"
4) Confusingly in the list of options under "Create" they see a "Create Connector" action that is actually for another specific sub type of "Component"
5) This is the actual action we want the user to see for this page
It would be kind of nice from a UI perspective given the sample page I've shared here to configure the "+ Component" button to be "locked" to a specific action. So instead the UI says "+ Micro frontend" given the user is looking at the Micro frontend catalogue page. If they wanted to create a connector then they just have to go to the correct catalogue page... Hope that makes sense.