Ability to provide custom self service action regex validation error message
James Daniels
Today if a user enters text to a string based input field for a Self Service Action that happens to be invalid determined by a Regex match pattern. The user is presented with a red font colour error message in the format "must match pattern {regex-pattern-here}".
Even though we have a human readable validation hint message on the field description. We've had numerous users not find that and instead become blocked and distracted by the red error which they don't understand.
To avoid them reaching out to a admin/action owner for support. I would like to be able to set a custom match pattern error message text. If set the user see's my error message and not the default one. So in my guess here I would say something like "Name use lower case characters a-z or numbers 0-9 but can't start with a number. Name must be at least 3 characters long".